Wiltshire Downs

Kit List
- Last Updated: Sunday 29 August 2021
Wondering what kit to bring to the 2021 Wiltshire Downs Adventure Race? This page lists what you need together with other items that you may find useful to bring if you have them. It may be updated / added to between now and the event. For example, if the weather forecast changes dramatically. So, please check back again in the days before the event.
Click on the information icon by each item listed below to read the full details.
What you NEED to bring (per person)...
A certified helmet for riding a bicycle, that is in good condition and fits your head.
Mountain bikes (with front suspension) are recommended. Other types of bikes (e.g. cyclocross bikes) may not be as suitable and may restrict your progress depending on the conditions. But you may use other bikes that are designed for off-road riding if you wish to do so. They must have appropriate tyres for off road use (slick tyres are not allowed). Any participant using an e-bike must declare this before they start and will be non-competitive (i.e. not eligible for a race winners prize). Check your bike beforehand to make sure it’s in a good condition!
If you wish to hire a mountain bike for this event, and haven’t already booked one, you need to book it now. Do not leave it until the last minute as there might be none available!
You will need sufficient capacity to carry all the water you need for 2-3 hours of running / biking. A bottle or vessel where you don’t need to touch the mouth piece is strongly advised to reduce any potential risk of transmitting Covid from your hands to your mouth.
Sadly, it is not possible to provide catering at this event. You will therefore need to bring sufficient food with you to consume during the race. Eating a little and often is the best approach for many. Energy bars and gels are great for carrying with you and doing this. In addition you’ll want to have something a little more substantial for when you transition – five/six hours is a long time!
Items that you can eat from the packaging without touching the food inside itself are recommended, in order to reduce any potential risk of transmitting Covid from your hands to your mouth. So something like a chocolate bar would be fine but something like a bag of crisps is probably best avoided.
Dropping / leaving of litter is not acceptable under any circumstance. Please make sure all wrappers and packaging are disposed of in the bins provided at transition or taken home with you.
The hall is small. No indoor spaces are to be used to shelter from the elements due to Covid (as this will result in crowding). So, if it’s wet, you will need to come fully prepared with waterproofs / an umbrella, and anything else you need to keep dry whilst you get ready to race. The only shelter from the elements will be inside your vehicle.
And there isn’t much in the way of trees / shade at the event base. So, in the unlikely event, it’s hot and sunny, you may want to bring a hat or umbrella to give you a bit of shade.
What you NEED to bring (per team)...
Sufficient tools to keep your bike on the road. As a minimum you should carry enough to fix multiple punctures e.g. pump, tyre levers, spare inner tubes and a puncture repair kit. If you have a mechanical problem you will need to fix it yourself and/or make your own way back to the event base. We will only pick you up in exceptional circumstances, which will result in the end of your race.
Sufficient to deal with all your medical needs and any minor injuries both during and after the race. You need to bring one small first aid kit to carry with you at all times during the race. In addition we recommend you bring a larger more comprehensive first aid kit (with plentiful supplies in) and leave this in transition / or your vehicle for use if required.
Due to Covid-19, the event medic will only provide first aid in serious cases which need immediate attention. All other medical needs will need to be dealt with yourself either at the event or when you get home.
To summon help in an emergency. Should be easily accessible e.g. worn around your neck or attached to your rucksack (and not buried inside it).
Or survival bag, to keep a casualty warm in an emergency.
The mobile phone – the number of which is specified as your Team Mobile Number on your entry – to carry with you in case of an emergency.
It’s a good idea to download and install the what3words app on any phones that you will be carrying with you during the race. This app can be used to let us / the emergency services know your exact location in an emergency.
A watch or other timing device that you can record your race time on so you know how long you have been going for (and hence how long you have left).
A watch worn on your wrist that you can start/stop and view easily is probably preferable to using a smart phone.
Or other type of functional rucksack / running vest, big enough to carry everything you need during each discipline.
What we ADVISE you to bring...
A small bottle (50-100 ml) of anti bacterial hand gel (with 50% minimum alcohol content) to carry with you during the race, so you can regularly sanitise your hands. We recommend that you sanitise your hands before eating (and drinking if necessary), and after kayaking as a minimum.
You may wish to bring a face covering to wear when inside any enclosed space. For example, when inside the hall, using the toilet facilities or if you need to be rescued i.e. put in a support vehicle.
Because of covid and to avoid any potential risk, we suggest you bring plenty of water for all your needs before, during and after the race. If it’s a hot day, you could get through 4 litres or more. Don’t worry, you won’t have to carry it all with you. You can leave it in transition and top up when you transition between disciplines.
Top Tip: Thermos flasks don’t just keep hot drinks hot. They also keep cold drinks cold! However, you are unlikely to have sufficient thermos flasks / insulated bottles for all the water you need. So if it’s a hot one and you want your water to stay cool, pop a couple of bottles in the freezer overnight. Don’t fill the bottles right up to the top as you need to leave room for the liquid to expand when it freezes! The frozen bottles of water can then be placed in a cool bag/box with other drinks to keep them chilled, or left out for you to sip as they slowly thaw throughout the day. Remember one large bottle of frozen water will take significantly longer to completely thaw (i.e. it will stay colder for longer) than two small bottles of frozen water.
Unfortunately, there will be no catering provision at this event. So, you will need to either i) bring all the food you need, for before and after the race, with you; or ii) stop off on route to/from the event.
We know this will disappoint those of you who look forward to our traditional post race chilli and delicious cakes. But we hope this temporary measure is a small price worth paying for being able take part in this adventure race.
Most people wear gloves (either fingerless or full finger) when mountain biking. And we recommend you wear gloves when kayaking. These could be the same gloves you wear mountain biking or different ones. You may also wish to wear gloves when running if you are at all concerned about making direct/skin contact with gates and stiles etc.
Some of the trails are narrow with vegetation encroaching from both sides. You may therefore wish to cover your arms to protect them from the odd stray nettle / bramble.
Whilst the vast majority of the trails are clear of vegetation, you may come across one or two sections which are slightly overgrown (it depends on which routes you take). You may therefore wish to wear or carry with you full leg cover just in case you come across a patch of tall stinging nettles that are sagging under their own weight across the path. A pair of waterproof trousers that you can slip on/off easily are ideal for this.
Clearing of phlegm from throats (i.e. spitting) and nasal mucus from nostrils into the air is not nice at the best of times and isn’t acceptable due to the risk of Covid transmission.
Wearing a wrist band (or buff round the wrist) is a good way of wiping a runny nose without touching your face with your hands. Alternatively you may wish to use a handkerchief, or the crook of your elbow (if wearing a long sleeved top).
Whatever piece of material you use, you need to make sure it does not come into contact with other surfaces (e.g. gates / stiles as you pass through them).
Used tissues should be put in a seal-able bag and carried with you until you get to a bin. Wash/sanitise your hands immediately after handling used tissues. Dropping / leaving of tissues is not acceptable under any circumstance. They must be disposed of in a proper bin or taken home with you.
Something to protect your head from the sun if it’s hot / sunny.
Something to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
Lightweight footwear with an off road / trail running tread is best.
Not necessarily essential but recommended for this event if you know how to use it. You may find it useful in the woods where it’s easy to become disorientated!
Permanent marker pen if you want to write/draw anything on the map. Available to purchase on the day at registration if necessary. Cash only.
A4 map holder / clear plastic wallet to put the map and checkpoint descriptions in.
Map board to go on the handle bars of your bike. Available to purchase on the day at registration if necessary. Cash only.
Or pouch / case for your mobile phone (especially when kayaking)
A dry bag or plastic box (with lid) to leave in transition during the race, with all your things in. The transition is not covered, so if it’s wet you’ll want to make sure it’s waterproof especially if you are leaving clothes in it. Alternatively you can leave things in your car instead.
To let others know that you are approaching them.
A lock to slip round your bike at the event base when you are not using it.
Additional Notes...
GPS devices may be carried with you to record your route for post-race analysis. In fact, it’s a good idea to do this as a back-up in the unlikely event that there are any problems downloading the data from your electronic score card. GPS enabled devices should not be used for any navigational purpose or to view your position during the race (except in case of an emergency).
It’s also a good idea to download and install the what3words app on the phone that you will carry with you. This can be used to pinpoint your exact location in an emergency.
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