Peak District

- Last Updated: Wednesday 5 May 2024
We look forward to seeing you all next weekend for the third instalment of our 2024 Summer Adventure Race Series!
We love the event area, it is perfect for adventure racing – lots of route choice, a variety of terrain and hills galore! A relatively dry week is forecast which should leave the course in near-perfect condition. We’re excited!
At the time of the latest update (Wednesday), the weather is looking dry all weekend but there is still time for that to change and it is always advisable to expect a bit of rain.
We posted a few photos from our recent recces over the weekend and you can check these out on on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.
For those who have not raced with us before (or have not raced with us for a while), we have put together this short video to give you a bit more information on what to expect (if viewing on a mobile device it works best when opened to full screen mode).
We look forward to seeing you at Linnet Clough Scout Camp at the weekend!
All the information you need for a successful race can be found in the attached documents, there is one for those taking part in the one-day event on Saturday and one for those taking part in the whole weekend.
regular race information
All our regular race information can be found here:
race numbers
You will need to know your race number in order to collect your race pack.
Each team has been given a start time window. This is based on which course you are doing, when your kayak time slot is, how long it’ll take most people to get to/from the kayaking and the fact the course closes at 16:45 (i.e. you must finish before this).
You can start any time within your start time window. But remember if you are kayaking early on, you will need to allow enough time to get to the kayak transition. You can only get to/from the kayak transition on foot.
kayak time slot
The maximum time allowed for the kayaking is 60 minutes for everyone.
NOTE: The kayak time slots are 75 minutes to give you flexibility but you must not exceed the 60 minute kayak time limit on the water.
Exceed the maximum permitted kayak time (60 minutes) – even by 1 second – and you will incur a 50 point penalty.
If, for example, your kayak time slot is 10:00-11:15 and you get on the water at 10:05, then you must off the water and finish kayaking before 11:05 (i.e. 60 minutes after you began kayaking) to avoid the penalty.
Your kayak time begins when you punch the kayak transition control to get on the water and your kayak time ends when you punch the kayak transition control again (i.e. a second time) to get off the water. Not punching the kayak transition control both when you get on and off the water incurs penalties, whether done intentionally or not, so please don’t forget!
You can only kayak within your kayak time slot. You must have finished kayaking (i.e. be off the water having dibbed the kayak transition control) before the end of your kayak time slot, otherwise you will incur a 50 point penalty.
So if, for example, you are in the 10:00-11:15 kayak slot, and you get on the water at 10:45, you’ll only have up to a maximum of 30 minutes in which to kayak as you must have finished kayaking no later than 11:15.
course notes
The layout of the course is such that…
- the transition point for the run and bike is located at the event base
- you can run and bike as many times as you like
- you can only run to and from the kayak transition
- It is (at its shortest distance) just under 2km on foot from the start/finish area to the kayak transition
How long you spend running, biking and kayaking is up to you. But, if you’ve never done a Questars Adventure Race, it can be difficult to know how long to spend on each discipline. Attached below is a course planner’s guide which gives suggestions for how to structure your day depending on your kayak window. This is only a guide, the great thing about Questars races is that what you do is up to you! If you like running, you can spend more time running and less time biking (and vice-versa).
Equally, you do not need to use all of your time limit. If you have had your fill of adventure after a couple of hours then you can join us back at HQ for food, drink and to share stories of your navigation successes and failures (and collect up to 15 bonus points for being back early)!